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Cybex Child Car Seat Sirona M2 i-Size 設計式樣: Passion Pink-purple · 2018

Cybex' Sirona M2 i-Size is a child safety seat that grows with your little one and conforms to the trans-European regulations of child car seats, the so called "i-Size" or ECE 129. Its one-hand use provides optimum adjustment of your little one's sitting and lying position.

Group/ weight category:

  • Suitable from birth up to a body height of 105 cm

  • Suitable for children right from birth up to 19 kg

  • Can be used from birth up to 4 years of age

Conforms to the norm:

The Sirona M2 i-Size child car seat can only be attached to your car if it is combined with the Cybex Base M i-Size.

Please note: The Cybex Base M i-Size is not included in delivery. In order to purchase this base, browse the accessory section in our shop!選購指南超人氣產品

This convertible car seat by Cybex carries your child up to a body height of 105 cm safely in a rear-facing mode. As soon as your little one has reached 16 months of age and a size of 76 cm you can also install this car seat in a forward-facing mode. The easy-to-use click system eases converting the driving direction of the car seat.

The side impact protection which folds out on that side of the car seat that faces the door of your car, contributes to your child's safety in case of a side impact. When combined with shoulder protectors and head protectors, the LSP system absorbs the forces that occur in case of a crash. Furthermore, the installation of the car seat in a rear-facing mode reduces the risk of injuries in case of a front-end collision.

Its smart design contributes to enough legroom so that even older children enjoy sitting in this car seat. The headrest that can be adjusted in twelve different levels as well as the integrated belt positioner grow with your child. Magnetic belt holders make getting in and off the car seat particularly easy. If the car seat is installed in a rear-facing mode, its sitting and lying position can be adjusted in five different levels, and if the car seat is installed in a forward-facing mode, it can be adjusted 3-fold - this way you can supply your child with the right position at all times.


  • Convertible car seat that is suitable for children right from birth up to 4 years

  • Installation only via Isofix points with Cybex Base M i-Size (not included in delivery!)

  • Rear-facing mode: from birth up to 105 cm

  • Forward-facing mode: 76 to 105 cm

  • Minimises risk of injury in case of side impact

  • LSP system - linear side impact protection reduces forces that occur in a crash

  • Sitting and lying position can be adjusted single-handedly (rear-facing: 5 positions/ forward-facing: 3 positions)

  • Headrest can be adjusted in twelve different levels

  • Magnetic belt holders for getting in and out of the car seat easily

  • Cover can be machine washed at 30°C

  • Size: L 72 x W 44 x H 66 cm

  • Weight: 14 kg

  • Designed and developed in Germany




Cybex兒童安全座椅Sirona M2 i-Size不含底座






電信公會慶30 陳建仁:建構數位台灣


台灣電信公會舉辦慶祝創會30週年活動,陳建仁致詞時表示,「蔡英文總統執政時喊出『數位國家,智慧島嶼』政策,期待2025年成為全面數位化國家。」目前行政院已經推動創新國家經濟發展方案,將以9年時間在硬體、軟體建構數位創新環境,透過通訊找回台灣經濟發展動能,他也盼望政府推動的無線網路iTaiwan可以達到10個Mbps,偏鄉地區也能達到100 Mbps。2025年之前,長途觀光列車也能提供便利無線網路服務。



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大腸癌初期無症狀 補充益生菌幫助解決腸胃蠕動不順


選擇益生菌有3原則 有效幫助消化也吃的安心


一、 選菌種:選擇有醫學報告證實的菌種及菌株,如市面上常見的比菲德氏菌、乳酸菌、龍根菌等,並不是種類多就好,也請特別注意是否有禁止食品添加的菌種類別。

二、 選有效:益生菌的菌數只要到達一定的數量,感覺對於腸道有幫助即可,並不需要特別選擇菌數極多的種類,益生菌是活菌,若選擇有包覆技術或是晶球技術,能夠通過胃酸到達腸道的比例越高,不需要補充這麼多的數量也能有效幫助腸胃蠕動。

三、 選安心:選擇購買益生菌產品時,可選擇有口碑與政府認證的品牌,如SGS各項檢測、國際cGMP認證等,食品安全把關才安心。



Cybex兒童安全座椅Sirona M2 i-Size不含底座

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